
Friday 24 February 2012

How Brands Could Produce Eye-Catching Pinterest Layouts [Mock-Ups]

Via SimplyZest:
Ok, so I know what you’re probably thinking, “Not another news story about Pinterest”. But this isn’t another post debating whether or not the burgeoning social network is here to stay or just a fad – rather, we will show you how brands can take advantage of Pinterest’s image rich layout.
As you may be aware, Pinterest isn’t just a collection of lovely images (although it definitely is that too). It can be used as a massive online store for brands, something which is just beginning to take off and many more big brands will surely follow suit.
We’ve mocked up a few Pinterest pages (including our own) to see how brands can design their own pages to help highlight recent advertising campaigns, links to new products and anything that represents their brand visually.


Coca-Cola has a rich advertising history and are famed for their 50′s style print ads, some of which they still use today. Pinterest could showcase their advertising heritage while also showing their modern advertising aesthetic. New and classic products could also be pinned here, as well as having separate boards for products, vintage ads etc


Nike is a brand which could really take advantage of the product selling aspect of Pinterest. Everything from their latest sneakers to their massively growing Nike+ running products, all these could be pinned to the top of their page, depending on what they want to highlight. Nike is also a brand with a fantastic range of great ads, which could be pinned on their own boards, eg: Football, Basketball, Athletics.


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