By Scott Williams at BigIsTheNewSmall:
This post will get straight to the point… If you want to get Re-Tweeted, Implement These Top 10 Ways To Get Re-Tweeted Below:
- 1. SPACE - Leave 18-20 characters available in your tweet… allows enough room for your name @ sign and RT. This is the most common reason people will not RT your post, individuals don’t want to take the time and energy to remove characters and shorten your post. TIME IS MONEY!
- 2. CONTENT - Tweet content that provides value to a broad audience — quotes, humor, questions, compelling thoughts, breaking news, technology, social media breakthroughs, tips, links to great content etc. CONTENT IS KING!
- 3. CONSISTENCY - Make sure your tweets are consistent. Think of your tweets in a similar fashion that you look at newspaper or magazine subscription. Your followers will learn to trust and grow to expect a particular type of content in a consistently delivered manner. CONSISTENCY COUNTS!
- 4. TACTFUL - Have a keen sense of what to tweet and what not to tweet in order to maintain good relationships with your twitter community. Don’t consistently ask your Twitter Community to Re-Tweet your tweet… If you feel that the tweet or content is valuable, it may make sense to ask selective followers to RT a tweet. If you ask all of your followers to RT your content all of the time, your message will fall on deaf ears. HAVE SOME MANNERS!
- 5. RECIPROCATE - Give and receive value to the Twitter community. Re-tweet other’s tweets if you find their information valuable and be sure that you provide them the RT credit they deserve. Don’t be a Re-Tweetaholic or once again your message will fall on deaf ears. SHARE THE LOVE!
- 6. BRAND - Develop a consistent Twitter brand, presence, notoriety, content etc. desirable of being Re-Tweeted. Many people have put the time, energy and effort to earn the right for their content to be Re-Tweeted. If you look at theTop 50 Re-tweeted Twitter Users Of All Time the one thing that’s consistent is that they all have their own unique brand. GET BRANDED!
- 7. RECOGNITION - Get recognized or develop a relationship with the people on the Top 50 Re-Tweeted Twitter Users Of All Time. :) Seriously you don’t have to develop a relationship with people on that list; however having your content re-tweeted by folks with a strong Twitter brand will help with future RT’s. GET RECOGNIZED!
- 8. LISTS - Believe it or not being on the right Twitter List can increase your ability to be re-tweeted. People utilize their lists to keep the people they want to hear from front and center. Lists can be as important on the Retweetometer as the number of followers. Lists are a great measure of content value. GET LISTED!
- 9. REPEAT - Repeat #1. This is by far the most important aspect of being re-tweeted and often times the most over-looked. Leave at least 18 characters, if you can leave 36 that’s even better… you have potentially doubled your chances. SPACE IS KEY!
- 10. BLOG ABOUT IT - Write a simple blogpost about How To Get Re-Tweeted.
In all seriousness write about Twitter or Social Media – People in the wold of Social Media love to share content about Social Media. TOPIC MATTERS!
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