
Thursday 12 April 2012

Buffer Partners with Tweriod To Help You Find the Best Time of Day to Tweet

Consistency and timing are key to building a following online. Buffer, a tool that lets you schedule your posts on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter throughout the day, has just partnered with the analytics tool Tweriod to make sure you reach your followers at the right time.
“The key problem we saw when starting Buffer was that it is very hard to have a consistent presence on social media without being automated,” said Buffer co-founder Leo Widrich via email. “So we thought of a way that people can share awesome content they find, but well-spaced at optimal times over the day.”
The app works with Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn accounts; and you can add your personal accounts and company accounts to your dashboard. (Tip: if you do this, be sure to turn the “quick sign-in” and “default” posting features off so you don’t get the two accounts mixed up.) The app can also automatically shorten your links, connecting with to give you data on how many people have clicked on your posts.
Said Widrich, “The Tweriod integration really will take this to the next level” by “having a smart algorithm behind your timing.”
You can find Tweriod among a number of other applications in the “apps and extras” tab.  Just log in with Twitter and provide your email address. In just a couple of hours (depending on how many followers you have), you’ll get a report that shows you when your followers are most often online.
You might be surprised to learn when that is. My own Twitter followers tend to check in between 5:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. ET, which is the exact opposite of my 9-to-5 schedule at work.

Once you have your report, you can click on the “connect with Buffer” link to set up your buffering schedule with your new information.

Take the time to look over Tweriod’s suggestions. When you’re ready, click “send to Buffer.
Buffer also integrates into Twitter. If you’re on Twitter and you see something you’d like to post a little later, you can just hit the “buffer” button to add it to the queue. You can access this by installing the Chrome extension for Buffer. Here’s what this looks like:

“I’m really excited about this,” said Widrich. “I think it can help a lot of Twitter users out there reach their followers at a much better time and get more clicks, retweets and engagement with the content they share.”


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