
Wednesday, 29 May 2013

5 Cost Effective Ways To Drive Online Video In 2013

By Sean Rosensteel at Forbes
Bandwidth is growing, and video continues to find us on our tablets, smart phones and who knows what else. So why isn’t video a bigger part of our marketing plan for 2013?
I often hear the same excuses…
  • It’s too difficult to manage
  • It costs too much to produce
  • We don’t know what to use for footage or scripts
Fair enough for 2012. But here are five video formats that make video fast, affordable and actually fun to incorporate into your marketing efforts:
1. Animoto
An innovative format that brings desktop video to a new level. By using Hollywood quality background and motion formats, you can drop in video or still images, select music from the library and get a great looking video.
2. Pitch Engine
With Pitch Engine, you can create a one-page micro-site that allows you to add images, video and other media. This is great for sales promotions, press releases and other announcements, and it’s an easy way to pitch smaller bits of information at a time.
3. Bravo
Bravo lets customers record, review and send their videos to you. Then, you can approve and place these user-generated videos on your website, blog or wherever you’d like. The real beauty of Bravo is how convenient it is to capture and optimize testimonial videos.
4. Sightly (formerly Backyard)
Sightly believes that people are much more likely to click an ad if they see a video first. With hands-free setup (they set up a mobile web app, custom video and branded micro-site for you) and ongoing management of your Google Mobile and YouTube Channel, you can sit back and reap the rewards of your mobile ads and video pitches.
5. Screencast
This is a really simple format that allows you to create videos by taking screen shots and adding voice-overs. Many are using Screencast for tutorials and software demos. Others are having success talking through PowerPoint presentations to show business models, sales processes and more.
So now that you’re aware of some of the latest resources for making your own affordable videos, here are some motivating reasons to get going:
  • You Tube is the #3 search engine in the world – more and more searchers are seeking video as a solution
  • Videos rank well in search engines – videos offer online search leverage
  • Video is the best way to share a story – there’s nothing like a real person telling their story
  • Video is social content that rocks – nothing gets shared like video
  • Video is the easiest way to generate comments – blog posts with video get more attention
  • Body language that comes from video speaks more than words – video has a unique way of communicating on several levels
Come 2013, no more excuses as there are simple and cost-effective video solutions available right now. What are some of the tools you’ve utilized thus far, and what were your results?


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