
Sunday, 30 September 2012

INFOGRAPHIC: Facebook Sees 3.2 Billion Likes and Comments Each Day

By Jason Keath at Social Fresh:
Facebook is now using Infographics to promote advertising on the largest social network in the world.
With a low stock price, and no bottom in site, the pressure is on for Facebook to promote the benefits of its advertising product.
Some of the highlights include:

  • Touting Facebook as the number one social network (more people, more devices, more often)
  • 3.2 billion likes and comments every day on Facebook
  • Touting larger ad space in the newsfeed (on mobile and tablet too)
  • 49% of campaigns have a 5 times or greater return on ad spend
  • 70% of campaigns had a 3 times or great return on ad spend
Facebook Sees 3.2 Billion Likes and Comments Each Day
Browse more data visualization.


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