
Wednesday, 20 March 2013

#INFOGRAPHIC: Pinformation - Brands on Pinterest

Pinterest has surprised the social media world by rising to become one of the most popular social media networking sites in a very short period of time.
According to Pinterest has 25 million+ active users worldwide and another source puts the number of unique visitors at 31.5million+ ( is ranked #35 in the world. Social media sites are also seeing a gender split - women use social media more than men.
More women are on Facebook and Twitter. About 57% of Facebook and 59% of Twitter users are women.
Women more attracted to Pinterest while young techie men hang out on Google+. Pinterest has the heaviest gender imbalance - 82% of users are women and 18% are men.
The most popular age group on Pinterest is 25-34 years.

This Infographic is Published by Brand Algorithms


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