
Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Top 100 Twitter Tools

Via DailyTekk:
Some great Twitter tools that add some extra functionality


  1. 10 Random and Awesome Twitter Tools
  2. Group Tools
  3. Cut Through the Clutter
  4. Tools for Brands and Marketers
  5. Search Tools
  6. Cool Twitter Visualizations
  7. Twitter on iPhone
  8. Who to Follow
  9. Measure Your Influence
  10. Clients / Interfaces / Managers
  11. Other / Miscellaneous / Bonus


  1. Vizify TweetSheet – Your Twitter activity as an instant infographic.
  2. twitcam - Stream live video on Twitter.
  3. Buffer - Automagically shares your articles, pics and more through the day.
  4. TweetMeme - Search and retweet the hottest stories on Twitter.
  5. Twitter Status - Official updates on the status of Twitter.
  6. Twileshare - Upload and share files on Twitter.
  7. Twitvid - Easily share videos on Twitter.
  8. Twups – Twitter aggregator. Popular topics all in once place.
  9. Tweetwally – Create a tweet wall to organize and share tweets.
  10. TweetMyJobs - Great job matches via Twitter (and mobile).


  1. Splitweet - Management + brand monitoring for multiple Twitter accounts.
  2. BirdHerd - Twitter made easy for groups and teams.
  3. Nurph - Group Twitter chat, hashtag streaming and more.
  4. Chitty Chat - Tweet privately with a group.
  5. GroupTweet - Helping groups communicate privately on Twitter.
  6. TweetChat - Cool tool for chatting in real time using hashtags.
  7. Twibes - Twitter groups.


  1. Slipstream - A good way to deal with too many tweets.
  2. Shuush - Displays updates based on tweet frequency.
  3. – The mute button for Twitter.
  4. TwitBlock – Find out how many followers are spam and trash them.
  5. Tweetizen – Discover tweets that matter to you.
  6. Followize – Cut through the noise.


  1. Twylah - Create awesome, custom brand pages for your tweets.
  2. DataSift - Unlock insights from historical Twitter data.
  3. CoTweet – Interactive marketing platform.
  4. Twittad – Sponsored advertising.
  5. SocialBro – Manage and analyze your Twitter community.
  6. BrandChirp – Monitor, manage, resolve brand activity.
  7. TweetReach – How far did your tweet travel?
  8. adCause – Social marketing for a cause.
  9. Twitalyzer – Serious analytics for social relationships.
  10. Featured Users – Effective and easy way to promote your profile.
  11. Twitdemic – Discover and reward your rockstar followers.
  12. TwtQpon – Social coupon platform. Reward your customers.
  13. Twtpoll – Engage followers, ask questions, get feedback.
  14. Twilert – Twitter keyword alerts via email.
  15. The Archivist – Save and analyze tweets.
  16. Twitter Counter – Twitter stats. Track anything on Twitter.
  17. Tweriod – Tweet when your followers are on the most.
  18. – Community management that makes a difference.
  19. Hashtracking – Twitter hashtag tracking and analytics.
  20. Who Tweeted Me – Contagious content analytics.


  1. Twitter / Search – See what’s happening right now (official).
  2. PostPost – Awesome stuff gets lost on Twitter. Strip-search your timeline.
  3. Snap Bird - Search beyond Twitter’s history.
  4. – Word cloud Twitter search interface.
  5. BackTweets – Search for links on Twitter.
  6. Tweet Scan – Twitter and micro blog search.


  1. A World of Tweets - Very cool heatmap of latest worldwide tweets.
  2. Tori’s Eye - Cool origami-looking Twitter visualization.
  3. Social Collider - Reveals cross-connections between conversations.
  4. Visible Tweets - Cool animated text Twitter visualization.
  5. TweepsKey - A graph that unlocks the power of your tweeps.
  6. Revisit - Real-time visualization of latest 200 tweets around a given topic.
  7. Mentionmapp - A “mind-map” style Twitter visualization.
  8. The View from Above - Flashes of light appear based on geographic tweets.


  1. Trickle – An awesome, passive Twitter displayer.
  2. Scopy – Extracts photos from your timeline and presents them beautifully.
  3. Tweetbot – A Twitter client with personality.
  4. Osfoora for Twitter - Fast and easy access to Twitter. Gorgeous interface.
  5. TweetCaster – Twitter client with lots and lots of cool features.
  6. Birdbrain – Nice account stats feature.
  7. Funny Updates – Say something funny!
  8. UberSocial – Lightning fast functionality + customization options.
  9. Poptweets - The celebrity Twitter game.
  10. TwitBird Pro – Super fast Twitter client with unique features.
  11. Tweetr – Great for sending and scheduling tweets.


  1. WeFollow - Twitter directory and search. Find Twitter followers.
  2. Qwitter - Find Twitter quitters (unfollowers), identify spam bots.
  3. Friend or Follow – Find out who unfollowed you.
  4. Twibs – Twitter business directory.
  5. Listorious - Twitter people search and lists directory.
  6. Follow Cost – Is that Twitter celebrity worth the pain?
  7. Fllwrs – Keep track of who follows/unfollows you.


  1. Klout - “The standard for influence”
  2. PeerIndex - Own your influence.
  3. Twitter Grader - How influential are you on Twitter?
  4. TweetLevel - An influence measurement tool from Edelman.


  1. TweetDeck – Brings more flexibility and insight to power users.
  2. HootSuite - Dashboard for teams using Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn.
  3. Destroy Twitter – Powerful and lightweight. Lets you filter the noise!
  4. Hibari – A clean Mac Twitter client. Blocks annoyances and reveals gems.
  5. Twitbin – Well-designed Twitter client for Firefox with powerful features.
  6. Echofon - Full-featured, super-clean Twitter apps for Mac, Win, Mobile.
  7. ManageFlitter - Nice Twitter account management.
  8. Twidget – Twitter dashboard widget for Mac.
  9. TwitterForBusyPeople - A whole new way to interact with Twitter.
  10. Refollow – Discover, manage and protect your Twitter social circle.
  11. All My Tweets - View all your tweets on one page.


  1. Portwiture - Your Twitter status in photos.
  2. #earthtweet – What are you doing to help the planet?
  3. Twitpay - Easy, secure social commerce.
  4. Food Feed – Tell the world what you’re eating.
  5. - URL shortener with password/riddle protection.
  6. TweetBackup – Free backup for your Twitter.
  7. Twilk - Put your Twitter followers on your background.
  8. FileSocial – Share your files on Twitter.
  9. Nearby Tweets - Find and watch tweets from local users.
  10. - Distribute your blog to Twitter (and Facebook).
  11. Tweepi – Geeky, fast way to bulk manage followers.
  12. Tweetboard - True Twitter conversation (forum) for your website.
  13. TrueTwit – Validation service. Stop wasting time with spammers.
  14. What is my Twitter Account Worth?
  15. Twitterfeed - Feed your blog to Twitter.
  16. TwitLOL – Easy way to post jokes on Twitter.
  17. Twittereye – A Twitter apps directory.
  18. Loudtwitter – Find out who mentioned a specific topic.
  19. LikeMyTweets – The “Like” button for Twitter.
  20. RetweetFollow – Follow the retweeters.
  21. TweepsMap – Map your Twitter followers.
  22. DoesFollow – Find out who follows who on Twitter.
  23. Tweetburner – Tracking the links you share on Twitter.
  24. QuoteURL – Group different Twitter updates into a single, permanent page.
  25. Flickr my Background – Put your latest Flickr images on your background.


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