
Saturday 15 September 2012

INFOGRAPHIC: The Ultimate Guide To What Politicians Can And Cannot Tweet

By Lauren Dugan at Media Bistro:
It must be tough to be a politician these days. They’ve always been scrutinized, but now that social media is part of their toolkit there are infinitely more ways for the political elite to slip up in the public’s eye.
Here’s an infographic covering what politicians can and cannot post to Twitter, Facebook, their blogs and more, which will hopefully prevent a future Wiener-gate or two.

This infographic comes to us from, and it details the types of political activities that are restricted under the Hatch Act. Although the Hatch Act is old (from 1939 to be precise), it still applies to politicians today and affects how they are required to interact with others on social networks.
For instance, most politicians (except those who are “Further Restricted Employees” or those in intelligence agencies) can have a blog and link it to the homepage of a political site. However, they cannot post information created by a political group or ask readers to make a political contribution.
When it comes to Twitter, the rules are pretty clear: politicians can list their official title on their Twitter profile and follow political candidates and organizations. But they absolutely cannot solicit political contributions via Twitter or advocate for or against a political candidate or group through @replies or DMs.
Take a look at the handy infographic below for more politician can and cannots on social media:


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