With a vast number of daily deals companies vying for your attention, it is often easy to miss out on deals that you are interested in for places that you visit regularly. To try and solve that problem, a service called DealBurner has been launched that lets you know if there are any daily deals at a venue you have checked-in to using Foursquare or Facebook Places.
DealBurner is a relatively straightforward service that sends you a text message when you check-in at a location that is currently offering a daily deal.
It was created by developer Jason Fertel, one of the people behind group messaging app Freespeech. About Foursquare reports that Fertel got the idea for DealBurner when an acquaintance complained that Scoutmob was offering a better discount than Foursquare at a certain location — 50 percent off the entire bill, compared with a free margarita.
Along with Scoutmob, DealBurner lets you know when deals from Groupon Now, LivingSocial Instant, Tenka and other services are available at a location you have checked-in to. This rather clever service currently works when you check-in using Foursquare and Facebook Places.
It will be interesting to see how DealBurner grows, especially after it was revealed that Foursquare has integrated Groupon deals into its app and website. Foursquare also has partnerships with other daily deals services, such as LivingSocial and BuyWithMe.
You can sign up to DealBurner now at the service’s website.
DealBurner is a relatively straightforward service that sends you a text message when you check-in at a location that is currently offering a daily deal.
It was created by developer Jason Fertel, one of the people behind group messaging app Freespeech. About Foursquare reports that Fertel got the idea for DealBurner when an acquaintance complained that Scoutmob was offering a better discount than Foursquare at a certain location — 50 percent off the entire bill, compared with a free margarita.
Along with Scoutmob, DealBurner lets you know when deals from Groupon Now, LivingSocial Instant, Tenka and other services are available at a location you have checked-in to. This rather clever service currently works when you check-in using Foursquare and Facebook Places.
It will be interesting to see how DealBurner grows, especially after it was revealed that Foursquare has integrated Groupon deals into its app and website. Foursquare also has partnerships with other daily deals services, such as LivingSocial and BuyWithMe.
You can sign up to DealBurner now at the service’s website.
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