
Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Social network integration in Windows Phone Mango demoed on video

Social network integration in Windows Phone Mango demoed on video

Deeper social network integration is one of the many new features that the Mango update will bring to Windows Phone, and thanks to this newly-released video, we now have a better idea how that is going to work exactly. Fortunately, we are not dealing with a demo made by using a leaked beta version of the platform. It is Stuart Bottom himself, Program Manager at the Communications Group on Windows Phone, who clarifies what he and his team have done to make Windows Phone a more social-centric operating system.

First of all, Twitter and LinkedIn are going to be a seamless part of Windows Phone along with Facebook and Windows Live, which means that users may get bombarded by notifications once they are logged in to all social networks simultaneously. That is why the ability to filter your notification feeds has been added meaning that users will be able to view either all notifications at one place, or just the ones from a network of their choice.

The second major improvement regarding social network integration in Windows Phone Mango is that the notification experience has been taken to a whole different level. Users will be notified upon events such as their mentioning in a Tweet or whenever there is some activity on their Facebook wall, for example.

Feel free to watch the whole video, which we have embedded for you below, and do not hesitate to share with us whether you find the new social features of Windows Phone to your liking.

source: Windows Phone (YouTube) via WPCentral


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